In the world of weapons and guns, a safety latch stops the worst from happening by preventing a user making a mistake and misfiring by accident. At a time where the subject is causing the same debate across the world, the USA and western economies, let’s take a different take on the whole idea of a safety latch. How do you enable your people to become your greatest asset?
Well let’s ask a couple of questions about your company, whether you are a franchisee, a franchisor or a leader running a company or your first team leader position. How do you fare against these questions”?
- Do your people feel safe or insecure? Y or N
- Do you have boundaries that allow people to fail together? Y or N
- Do you encourage your people to find ways to serve your customers better? Y or N
- Do you apply the Real Leadership Coaching Daily Principle 1 – “Model the Leadership Behaviour you are asking of others tomorrow, today yourself 1st?” Y or N
Feeling safe is the metaphoric latch; you have to keep it on. This means, taking the time to learn and develop your own mental state controls. Your ability to learn how to be more effective, in control and open to supporting people rather than correcting them.
We also have the challenges of intergenerational changes where our work forces are more than diverse, they are from different eras with diverse perspectives. Creating a work place where the latch for safety is on, means your people will feel safe to fail, safe to learn and safe to be honest about the dreams, ambitions and goals.
Written By: Dave Evans, Founder/CEO of Real Leadership Coaching